The only cervical device
clinically proven to reduce pain during transcervical procedures

CarevixTM  is a single-use cervical stabilizer, engineered with vacuum technology, fully designed to deliver atraumatic transcervical access

Carevix™ is currently FDA-Cleared and CE-Marked. Available for commercialization.
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Group 1267


Significantly reduces pain and bleeding during cervical engagement while delivering robust traction and maneuverability*
* Yaron, M., et al. An Innovative Atraumatic Uterine Cervical Traction Device: A Randomized Trial. Poster presented at: European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health. Ghent - Belgium, May 2022.
Group 1267


Engineered for ease of use and to mimic current clinical practice requiring minimal learning curve*
* Aspivix Data on File .
Group 1267


Designed to be used in various transcervical procedures, e.g., IUD, Dx Hysteroscopy, IVF.*
* Aspivix Data on File .


Breakthrough suction technology for atraumatic procedures

Ergonomic handle for precise grip

Single button operation for easy deployment

Anatomical and soft lip for gentle cervical touch

Pull the piston to generate the vacuum & rotate to lock it. 

Place the suction head on the cervix & press the button downwards to deliver the vacuum. 

Press the button upwards to release the cervix.

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Clinical Evidence

Safety and efficacy of a suction cervical stabilizer for intrauterine contraceptive device insertion: Results from a randomized, controlled study

Group 1707@2x

Study Format

Randomized controlled trial (RCT), comparing the efficacy and safety of Aspivix device, Carevix™, and the standard of care (tenaculum) in intrauterine contraception devices (IUD) procedures.

Primary Endpoint

Patient-reported pain scores (VAS) at specific time points during IUD insertion procedure.

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2 Centers in Switzerland

  • University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV)
  • University Hospitals of Geneva (HUG)

Clinical Investigators

  • Prof Patrice Mathevet, CHUV
  • Dr. Hélène Legardeur, CHUV
  • Dr. Michal Yaron, HUG
  • Dr. Bastien Barcellini, HUG
  • Dr. Farida Akhoundova, HUG
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Enrollment completed in February 2022


Results published in Contraception, an international reproductive health journal, from the ADVANCE Women (Atraumatic Device using VAcuum Technology for CErvical Procedures in WOMEN), in March 2023.

Results presented at European Society of Contraception in May 2022

Visit PubMed

For clinical studies with Carevix device, please visit PubMed.

Safety and Efficacy of a Suction Cervical Stabilizer Compared to the Standard Tenaculum for Intrauterine Procedures in the Clinic Setting

Group 1707@2x

Study Format

Interventional study comparing the patient and provider experience and efficiency of Aspivix device, Carevix™, compared to the single-tooth tenaculum for intrauterine contraceptive device insertion (IUD) procedures.

Primary Outcome

Patient-reported during IUD insertion procedure.
Device efficiency with provider-perceived bleeding, provider-perceived ease of use, provider-perceived satisfaction

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1 Center in the United States of America

  • Indiana University School of Medicine

Clinical Investigators

  • Alissa M Conklin, Indiana University (US)
  • Pr. Jeffrey Peiper, Indiana University (US)
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Enrollment ongoing started in November 2023

Clinical Applications


Carevix is indicated for use in various transcervical procedures, such as:

Intrauterine device procedures IUD



Fertility procedures

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