Suction Value Stabilizer,
delivers value for

Group 1337


Group 1337


Group 1337

Purchasing Departments

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Carevix is designed to ensure high quality gynecological care while providing economic value

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Reduces Procedure Time

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Improves Procedure Predictability

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Reduces Procedure Cost

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Reduces Risk of Cross Contamination

*Post market economic study will be conducted to validate and quantify the economic value of Carevix.

Carevix_ Economic Value page (1)

Challenges of the tenaculum, current standard of care

Image of a tenaculum_Economic value page (1)

1 - Lopez LM, Bernholc A, Zeng Y, et al. “Interventions for pain with intrauterine device insertion”, Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Jul 29; (7)

2. Aspivix Data on File.

3. Les gynécos travaillent avec des outils centenaires. Le Temps. 2019

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Triggers pain and bleeding 1

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Has an unfriendly women-design, due to its century sharp-pointed hook profile 2

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Promotes trauma, discouraging women from adopting effective birth control. E.g., IUD 3

With Carevix, we can make time and costs more predictable

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Waiting time for sedative

Cervix stabilization

Insert IUD

Stop bleeding

Stitches on cervix



Waiting time for sedative

Cervix stabilization

Insert IUD

Stop bleeding

Stitches on cervix



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    Contact us and find out more about Carevix

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